Is Dating Haram?
Can Muslims Date? A Look at the Concept of Muslim Dating and What’s Allowed
Dating can be a tricky topic in Islam, there are certain behaviours that are considered
haram or forbidden in Islam, so it can often be difficult to know if you have crossed the
Islam may permit you to date, as long as the end goal of marriage is in mind
throughout. However, a relationship that is entered into for the sole purpose of pleasure is
considered to be a form of haram and should be avoided.
So is dating haram? And, can Muslims use dating apps? Let’s find out more about haram

What is haram dating?
Haram dating is any type of dating that is not done with the intention of marriage.
This includes dating for pleasure, dating without parental permission, or dating
someone who is not Muslim.
There are a few key tenets of haram dating that Muslims should be aware of so they can
Privacy - Spending time alone with a member of the opposite sex who is not a mahram,
or close relative, is considered haram and should be avoided. Immodesty - Dressing or
behaving in a way that is immodest is also considered haram, this includes wearing any
clothing that is revealing.
Physical intimacy - Any type of physical intimacy, such as kissing or hugging is
considered haram before marriage.
Dating is permitted in Islam, but only if it is done with the intention of marriage.
This means that you should be looking for a potential spouse, not just someone to
spend time with.
When dating in a halal way, it is important to adhere to certain guidelines to make
sure that haram behaviour is avoided. This includes setting clear intentions for
marriage from the start, being respectful of your partner’s religious beliefs, being
mindful of your actions to ensure that you avoid anything that could lead to haram
behaviour, and most importantly of all, considering the potential for future marriage.
It is encouraged for Muslim men and women to find their perfect partner in Islam, and
love is celebrated in the Quran when approached in a righteous way.

What is halal dating?
Halal dating is a type of dating that is permitted in Islam - it is the process of
getting to know a potential spouse with the intention of marriage. Halal dating is
based on the Islamic principles of modesty, respect, and piety, and is different from
other types of dating in that it is done purely with the intention of marriage.
Getting to know your partner’s family and friends is encouraged in halal dating as
this will give you a better understanding of their values and beliefs. It is important
that you are both on the same page about what you are looking for in a spouse, so talk
about your expectations and what you expect from a future together. Finally, be
patient. Finding your perfect match could take time, so don’t rush into anything that
doesn’t feel right to you and your values.
Halal dating is a type of dating that is permitted in Islam - it is the process of
getting to know a potential spouse with the intention of marriage. Halal dating is
based on the Islamic principles of modesty, respect, and piety, and is different from
other types of dating in that it is done purely with the intention of marriage.
Getting to know your partner’s family and friends is encouraged in halal dating as
this will give you a better understanding of their values and beliefs. It is important
that you are both on the same page about what you are looking for in a spouse, so talk
about your expectations and what you expect from a future together. Finally, be
patient. Finding your perfect match could take time, so don’t rush into anything that
doesn’t feel right to you and your values.
Are Muslim dating apps haram?
Whilst many ‘mainstream’ dating apps are considered haram in Islam, there are some dating apps that are designed to allow young Muslims to date without having to worry about committing haram. These apps are called “halal dating” apps and are permissible as long as the goal of dating is marriage.
A halal dating app such as Vidnik ensures that a Wali is present throughout the process and helps to maintain Islamic cultures throughout.